
As the world becomes more connected and more aware, there are new opportunities for encountering people with identities or perspectives we’re not used to. How we react to difference impacts the social climate we live and work in. 

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What we do

Our goal is to help organizations and educational institutions develop people with flexible and adaptable mindsets creating teams and spaces where all team members have input and a voiceThis collaborative work comes through building empathy first and foremost. Understanding difference in values, beliefs, attitudes and perspectives other than our own.



We work together with you in designing and conducting customized baseline intercultural assessment of your institution or organization’s climate around inclusion.

Training & Development

Inclusion comes through sustained and focused efforts. We create tailored intercultural development plans to meet individuals, where they are at to attain their goals. 

Contact Us

We are passionate about the power of actively and purposefully including everyone in classrooms, on campuses, in the workplace and in our global societies. Let’s talk.

Reframe /rēˈfrām/ – v. to change the way something is expressed or considered.

Work /wərk/ – nthe use of effort to do or make something that has value.